Counseling Centre conducted Orientation Program for I Year I SEMBCA total 136 students (A, B & C Section) students,dated on 19thSeptember 2024 at 10.00 am in the Auditorium and for I Year I SEM B.Com BBA and B.Sc.90 students dated on 19th September 2024 at 12.10 pm in the Auditorium.
Mr. Changareddy S Counseling Centre Officer, SBMJC, KGF delivered about Orientation Program, Dr. Rekha Sethi, Principal, SBMJC, KGF Dr. L. Jayapandian IQAC Co-Ordinator SBMJC, KGF Mr. Praveen N Student Welfare Council Officer & Faculty Members were present.
Connotation of Counseling:-
Counseling refers to the process of providing guidance, support, and advice to individuals or groups who may be facing personal, emotional, psychological, or interpersonal challenges. It is a form of talk therapy, it will give advice or professional help to resolve personal or psychological problems. It is a purposeful learning oriented and private interview between the counselor and counselee. It is the individualized and personalized assistance with personal, educational, vocational problems. It is the process where an students meet with a trained professional counselor to talk about their academic and personal issues.
- To organize awareness program for students in suitable concepts.
- To achieve positive mental health
- Resolve their academic and personal issues and put them on right track with confident.
- To encourage students to develop special abilities and right attitudes.
- To establish mutual understanding between Counselor and Counselee
- Helps people to move towards their goals.
- It enhances their overall wellbeing & takes the initiative of putting back the students on the right track.
- It created positive mind set towards the students.
- The motivational speech created how to face the personal & inter personal problems in the society.
226 students and 06 Faculty Members were benefited
First Session for Ist Year Ist Sem BCA (A B and C Section)