Event: TEACHERS DAY-2024
Date: 05th September 2024
Day: Thursday
Time: 11.30 am
Event Coordinator: Mr. Praveen N, SWC Officer, Mr. Changa Reddy, SWC coordinator
Venue: Conference hall
Participants: Admin staff, PUC , Degree students and Faculty members of various departments.
The Student Welfare Council (SWC) had taken the initiative to organize a Teachers Day celebration at Sri Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain First Grade College KGF on September 5, 2024, and the celebration began at 11:30 a.m. in the conference hall. There were 95 faculty members and 35 students who participated. The program started with welcome speech by Ms. Swapna along with lighting of a lamp. The program was hosted by Ms. Alina muskan and Ms. Muskan anjum, SWC members. Welcome speech by Ms. Aliya firdose, SWC member, followed by the inaugural speech by Dr. Rekha Sethi, Principal Sri Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain First Grade College KGF, Dr. Jayapandian, NSS officer and IQAC Coordinator, and Mr. Murali Kumar, PUC coordinator, who spoke about the significance of Teachers. A few games have been organized to entertain such as Treasure Hunt, IN-OUT, Tug Of War, . The program ended by vote of thanks by Ms. Asfiya Fathama, SWC member. Food was served after the end of the celebration.