National Nutrition Week 2024

The  Department of Life Science  observed National Nutrition Week 2024  from 1st to 7th September 2024 .Nutrition is a focal point of health and well being. The aim of the program is to create Nutrition awareness through various activities with the theme “Nutritious diet for everyone” .

Awareness program-Flash Mob on Nutrition Week 2024

The B.Sc Biotechnology students performed flash mob on 3rd September 2024 in order to raise awareness on Healthy diet and its importance. 250 and 10 faculty members actively participated.

Day 1:Inaguration and Exhibition

National Nutrition Week 2024 was inaugurated on 3rd September 2024 by the Principal Dr.Rekha Sethi,SBMJC,KGF and addressed the gathering about the importance of nutrition for vital functiong of our body. The Principal also enlightened the students on nutrition and importance of water intake in our day to day life .120 students and 8 faculty members are actively participated.


The exhibition was organised on nutrition and health Dr. Rekha Sethi, SBMJC,KGF inaugurated the exhibition and interacted with the participants. The students exhibited medicinal plants, dietary recommendations for anaemia ,Diabetes Mellitus, Heart Disease, kidney stone, gall stone ,Blood pressure check  and Blood Grouping.

Flash Mob
