The Counseling Centre Organized Guest Lecture Program on “Stress Management Techniques” for Ist Year Ist Sem Degree Students (B.Com, B.Sc, BBA and BCA) on 29th August 2024 at 11.15am in the Auditorium.
The program was inaugurated by “Watering the Plant”. Ms. Latha Priya Wellbeing Officer and Dr. Rekha Sethi Principal, SBMJFGC KGF, Dr. L. Jayapandian IQAC Co-Ordinator and NSS Officer, Mr. Changareddy S Counseling Centre Officer, Ms. Louisena Vinodh Priya and Ms. Roselin HOD Department of Life Sciences of SBMJFGC, KGF and Faculty members were present.
Objective : Stress Management Techniques : Stress Management Techniques involves controlling and reducing the tension that occurs in stressful situation by making physical and mental changes. Its refers to a wide range of techniques and strategies designed to help individuals cope with and reduce the negative effects of stress. The Resource Person was organized many activities like Relaxation Techniques, Physical and Mental Exercise, Time Management Techniques, Friendly Social Network , Positive Mindset Techniques and Positive Relationship Techniques.
1. It created Positive Attitude towards the students
2. It created how to face the personal and interpersonal problems in the society.
3. It enhances their overall wellbeing.
4. It develop their Greater Work-Life Balance
5. It Improve Self-Awareness
There were 05 Faculty Members and 128 students were benefitted.