Department of Computer Science Organized Farewell & Felicitating Outstanding Final Year BCA Students

The Department of Computer Science Organized Farewell & Felicitating Outstanding Final Year BCA Students.

On 16th September 2023

Venue: Conference Hall-SBMJC-KGF

Chief Guest: Dr.Rekha Sethi Principal SBMJC-KGF

Guest Of Honor: Mr. Babu Sir Office Superintendent

Mr. Narashimma Murthy Sir Accountant

Total No Of Students Attended: 200

Objective of the Felicitating Outstanding Students:

To felicitate the students for their excellent performance.
To bring about changes in the learning process.
To recognize the service of the dedicated teachers.


To identify the best performing of students.
To motivate students for achieving excellence in both curricular and extra-curricular
To motivate teachers for guiding students for excellent achievement.

Chief Guest Addressed about the funciton:

Dr. Rekha Sethi Principal madam spoke about the academic achievement and encourage the other students. Madam spoke about the higher studies and placement and bout the future.Then madam motivated all the students fallow the path of final year students academic achievements and finally madam addressed about professional values and ethics.