The Department of Hindi has conducted HINDI DIWAS under SPARSH – 2023 in two PARTS One on 11th September, 2023 and 14th September, 2023. This programme was conducted in connection with HINDI DIWAS.

  The department has conducted different programmes for the Degree and inter School College Students on 11th September, 2023. The chief guest are Dr. Lakshmi Devi. D Professor Government First Grade College Kolar and Dr. Rekha Sethi Principal, SBMJFGC, KGF.

On 14th September 2023, the program was inaugurated by Dr. Rekha Sethi Principal, SBMJFGC, KGF. Ms. Meenakshi Asst. Prof. Dept. of Hindi addressed the gathering. Ms. Usha Kumari Asst. Prof. Dept. of Hindi welcome the gathering and certificates, medals were given to the winner’s Vote of thanks by Mr. Vijaya Kumar HOD Asst. Prof. Dept. of Hindi.