COMFEISTA 2023-Day-3

Event: Paper Presentation

Date:  20th July 2023 Venue: Auditorium

Faculty coordinator: Ms. Kasturi. L (HOD) Dept. of Commerce

Student coordinator: Mr. Pavanendranath III year Ms. Jyothika II year Ms. Mary Gabriela II year

Topics for the Competitions Freebies and its impact on Economy. Is Artificial Intelligence threat to human life. Role of Women in changing the World.

On the 20th July 2023 from 10 am to 1.05 pm under the guidance of Faculty coordinator Ms. Kasturi. L (HOD) & Student coordinators- Mr. Pavanendranath 3rd; Ms. Jyothika 2nd; Ms. Mary Gabriela 2nd

It was conducted as a team event with maximum of 2 students in a group. The presentation primarily focused on bringing out innovative ideas from students & to inculcate essence of research among UG students.

The team was evaluated by Dr. J. Antony Gruze Tangaraj., P.G coordinator Dept of Commerce. The event concluded successfully with the participants & the audience by learning the advanced method of research in the respective topics.

No. of Students participated: 16 team.