Gurupooja Sangeetha Utsava

On 1 July 2023 to 04 July 2023 Sri Kshetra Kaiwara, The Trustee members of the Temple organized Gurupooja Sangeetha utsava at Kaiwara. For this event the District association gave a call to all the Rovers and Rangers of the district.

The Rovers and Rangers of SBMJFGC – K G F, took an initiative to render the Service at Gurupooja Sangeetha utsava. This was held at Kaiwara from 1 July 2023 to 3 July 2023. List of Rovers and Rangers actively took part and rendered service at this event.

  • Rover Dhanush II Semester
  • Rover Vamshi II Semester
  • Rover Ashraf Ali II Semester
  • Ranger Keerthi II Semester

Students learnt the way to manage the crowd. And co ordination.