On 28.06.2023, orientation programme was organized for the students and aspirants of Rovers and Rangers at Sri Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain College KGF
The program was inaugurated by Local Body Secretary Shri. T C Manjunath.
District Organizing Commissioner Shri. Vishwanath V spoke about Rovers and Rangers and the way to carry units.
Mr. Naveen Kumar Scout Master participated as a resource person and gave information about Scouts and Guides.
The Orientation programme was presided over by Dr. Rekha Sethi, Principal of the college and said that she would provide full cooperation and guidance for the activities of Scouts and Guides, Rovers Rangers.
The Orientation programme was organized by Mr. Balakrishna A Rover Scout Leader, Ranger Leader Ms. Sangeeta, Ms. Elizabeth Rani, Ranger Leader, and Senior Rovers and Rangers.
200 students of the college participated in the Orientation programme and made it a success.
- Students understood the importance of Scouting in daily life.
- Students learnt the basics of Scouting.