Date: 09th June 2023
Day: Friday
Time: 11.30 am to 01.00pm
Event Coordinator: Mr. Praveen N, SWA Officer
Venue: Auditorium
Resource Person :
Mr. Mahesh Rao Kadam
Paryvaran Samrakshan gathividhi Coordinator, Kolar
Participants: 97 Students.
Student welfare association (SWA) has conducted awareness programme on soil conservation
“NAMMA PARISARA NAMMA JOTHE” on 09th June 2023 for degree students.It is conducted for the purpose to know the importance of soil conservation.
The following concept has been discussed:
- Horizons of soil
- 5 elements ( Water, Air, Soil, Earth, Fire)
- Need for soil
- Differences between Organic and chemically soil