Total No of Participant Registered: 648
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Resource Person: Dr. Helen Josphine V L
Associate Professor Business Analytics
School Of Business and Management
Chirst (Deemed to be Universtiy)
Chief Parton: Dr. Chenraj Raychand
Chairman of JGI
Parton: Sri. Mahender Munoth
Managing Trustee.
Dr. Rekha Sethi
Principal, SBMJC-KGF.
Organizing Committee.
Mr. Siddarama S
Head Of the Department Computer Science
Mr. Umesh N
Assistant Professor, Department Computer Science
Mrs.Sangeetha D S, Assistant Professor, Department Computer Science
Mrs. Kalpana P, Assistant Professor, Department Computer Science
Mrs.Neelufar S, Assistant Professor, Department Computer Science
Mrs.Mahalakshmi, Assistant Professor, Department Computer Science
Mrs.Beaula Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department Computer Science
Mr. Ravi, Assistant Professor, Department Computer Science
Technical Head: Mr. Ranjeeth , System Admin
The main Objective of the webinar: Intellectual property (IP) systems have been designed to incentivize human innovation and creation. Until very recently such innovation and creation was one of the defining characteristics of the human species.
As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to emerge as a general-purpose technology with widespread applications throughout the economy and society, this poses fundamental questions that sit at the heart of the existing IP systems. Does AI innovation and creation need IP incentives? How should the value of human invention and creation be balanced against AI innovation and creation? Does the advent of AI require any changes to the existing IP frameworks?
Resource Person Spoke about:
- Intellectual Property Rights(IPRs) are the rights associated with intangible property owned by a company or person and protected against use without consent.
- Rights relating to ownership of Intellectual property.
- Aim to protect Intellectual Property (Creation of human Intellect) by allowing the creators of trademarks, patent, or copyrighted works to benefit from their creations.
- Need of IPR: Encourages innovation, Economic growth, Safe guard the rights of creators, Ensure ease of doing business, facilitating the transfer of business.
- Important of assets in S & P 500 (1978 To 2010)
- Wipro harmonizes global policy and protects IPR across borders.
- IPR Classification.
- Patent.
- Famous Patent.
- Artificial Intelligence.
- Machine Learning.
- Patent in AI & ML.
- Trade mark in AI & ML.
- In PASS Website and Registration.