The PG and UG, Department of Commerce and Management Studies organised one day National Conference on 19th of August 2022, on the topic “Micro Credit Lending and Economic Prosperity in 21st Millennium” the inaugural started at 10:00 am, with invocation and lighting of the lamp, followed by it Dr J. Anthony Gruze Thangaraj Head and Professor of Post Graduate Department of commerce delivered welcome address.
The key note speaker was introduced by Ms. Sujatha Arasu, than the Guest of Honour and Key note speaker Dr. R.S. Despande, addressed the gathering, where his contemporary talk covered the importance of informal financial sources and its effects on Micro Business. Followed by it our Principal Dr. Rekha Sethi, delivered felicitation, than concluded with vote of thanks by Mr. Tony Lazarus Prem Kumar (HOD, Management Studies).
The first plenary session started at 10:30 am and was chaired by Dr. K. Kishore, Assistant Professor of Commerce, Voorhees College, Vellore – Tamil Nadu, India. The paper presenters presented papers on different topics. Then the session concluded for lunch between 1:15pm and 2:00pm. The second plenary session started at 2:00pm and was chaired by Dr. G. Ramesh Pandi, Head and Associate Professor, Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education (Deemed to be University), Viruthunagar District, Tamil Nadu. He then delivered his plenary session talk, and then the paper presenters for the afternoon session presented their papers between 2:00 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. Then the formal valedictory session was started and presided over by our Principal, Dr. Rekha Sethi, and Ms. Kasyhuri. L (HOD UG Commerce) delivered welcome address.
The conference report was presented by Ms. Shamala, and then the best paper presenter award was announced with certificate distribution.
Finally, the one-day National Conference came to a conclusion with the National Anthem