The Department of Computer Science Organized Alumni Seminar
on 30th July 2022
Topic: Carrier Guidance and Mobile Security
By: Mr Dileep Kumar [2011-2014 Batch Student]
Senior Software Engineer HID GLOBAL Company Bangaluru
Total No of Students attended: 50
Total no of Faculty Attended: 05
Faculty Co-coordinator: Mr. Siddarama S, HOD Department of Computer Science
: Mr. Umesh N, Asst.Professor Department of Computer Science.
Objective of the Seminar: To create awareness of new technologies in the present market and how to crack the interview and security issues in the mobile.

Alumni Student Spoke about Introduce your self and how to introduce and what to tell in the introduction of your self informed. and spoke about front and back end of software’s how to use and when to use the back end types of DB explained and how to link the DB connectivity practically shown to the students.
Spoke about the new technologies and what the emerging languages and how to update yourself in the present market and also informed which are the langues you have to study and how to trace the logic explained.
Finally discussed about Open source software’s and AWS and E-Commerce and Drop shipping and startup. then explained about how to use cryptocurrency and how to invest. then security laves in the Watsapp and explained about how to check genuine website before clicking the link.