Swaach Bharath Abhiyan Outreach activity

Event: Outreach activity –Village and Govt School Date: 12/03/2022 Day: Saturday Time: 10am to 4pm Topic: Swaach Bharath Abhiyan Participants: 13Students and 1 faculties Event Coordinator: Ms. Nazneen Ahamed-SWO Place: Karudugur & Kogilehalli village .KGF Taluk

This is a Community service activity engaged by the members of student welfare Association at the Govt School Karuduguru village with the activitites on Swachatha –Cleanliness Awareness and its hygine in the school and surrounding of its campus.

The village activities related to understand the agricultural activities of farming, its pros and cons and life of people living in village. Our students involved in the outreach activities and gained knowledge of business of crops and cultivation of the land, the farmers play a major role in building the nation.