National Youth Day -Yuva Divas 2022

Student Welfare Association

Event: National Youth Day Date: 18/ 01/2022 Day:  Tuesday Place: Conference Hall Participants : 100 Members Winners : 30 members

Event coordinators : 1. Ms. Nazneen Ahamed-SWO 2. Mr.Praveen-SWC


The  event was organized on the occasion of Swami Vivekananda birthday as National youth day – Yuva divas 2022 by our youth of student welfare Association , conducting events for students from 7th  to10th Jan 2022  as Poetry writing , Drawing ,Essay writing, Pick and Speak, Debate , Traditional Food fest and Traditional outfit rampwalk –Mr.and Ms Youth 2022

The celebration was continued with  lightning of lamp and honoring  Swami  Vivekananda  Photo with flower by our Guest Dr. Manjula .B.K  Head Of  Kannada  Dept, Ms. Nazneen Ahamed .Student Welfare officer  and Mr.Vijaya kumar Head of Hindi Dept , Continued with Speech on Swami Vivekananda by Mr.Gowtham and event concluded with certificate distribution for the winners and  Mr. and Ms. Youth was honored.