Fresher’s Day and Farewell

Date: 21st December 2021 Venue: Conference Hall  SBMJC-KGF Total No of Students presented: 300 Chief Guest: Dr. Rekha Sethi Principal Guest: Dr. Jayapandian L   NSS & Placement officer

OBJECTIVE OF THE PROGRAMME: The goals and objectives of fresher’s Day  are:

  • To introduce students to college services which will support their educational and personal     goals (ex. library, information technology, academic and student services departments).
  • To facilitate initial academic advisement, course selection, and registration.
  • To familiarize students with the campus environment and physical facilities.
  • To create an atmosphere that minimizes anxiety, promotes positive attitudes, and stimulates an excitement for learning.
  • To provide a welcoming atmosphere for students and families to meet faculty, staff, and continuing students, as well as other new students.
  • To provide the families of new students comprehensive information about the academic and    student service resources and programs.
  • To provide employment, leadership, and learning opportunities for continuing students as pack leaders, through selection, training, and supervision.

The learning outcomes derived from the goals and objectives are:

  • Students will be introduced to college services that will support their educational and personal  goals.
  • Students will understand the purpose of academic advisement and course selection.
  • Students will become familiar with the campus environment.
  • Students and families will be familiar with faculty, staff, and students on campus.
  • Families will gain comprehensive information on campus resources available to them and their students
  • Student leaders will gain valuable leadership experience at the college level.

Guest Note: Principal Madam spoke about the skill development and curriculum and scope of the technology and importance. And madam motivated about the research activities to the students