ASTA 42nd Rotaract Annual Awards & Recognizations.

“The Rotaract club of  SBMJC-KGF ” won Several Awards at  ASTA  42nd Rotaract Annual Awards & Recognizations. Awards won – 1)Best Promising President 2k18-19-  Rtr Kiran S 2)Best Community Service project –  Summer Hair cut to Orphanage 3) District Rotaract Representative  Citation 2018-19 4) Rotaract  Building Stronger International Relationship 5) 1st Quator  Star club award 6) … Continue reading “ASTA 42nd Rotaract Annual Awards & Recognizations.”

“The Rotaract club of  SBMJC-KGF ” won Several Awards at  ASTA  42nd Rotaract Annual Awards & Recognizations.

Awards won –

1)Best Promising President 2k18-19-  Rtr Kiran S

2)Best Community Service project –  Summer Hair cut to Orphanage

3) District Rotaract Representative  Citation 2018-19

4) Rotaract  Building Stronger International Relationship

5) 1st Quator  Star club award

6) Faculty coordinators Recognizations

Mr Raghavendra Rao

Mrs Sandhaya

7) President & Secretary Recognizations

Rtr Kiran S (President 2k18-19)

Rtr Dorothy (Secretary 2k18-19)

8) Recognizations for Joint Projects

1 #  Quotor (Joint Project with Rotaract club of Nandha engineering college ,Tamil Nadu

2 #  Rota Trek (Joint Project with Rotaract club of Yelankha)

3 #  Sandesh to soldiers (Don’t project with Rotaract club of PES University)

The Management ,Principal & staff congratulates &  Wholeheartedly thank to President, Secretary ,board of directors, Faculty coordinators & all Rotaractors for winning many Awards & Recognizations .
