For and against were conducted to the students of final year “A” sec on the date 27.1.18 .The topic was “IS THERE A NECESSARY IN CHANGE OF THE INDIAN LAW” which was headed by Ms. Madhu Ashwini. The best speakers and the winners are: 1st prize – Shankara Bhashiyam.O 2nd prize- Karthick Reddy .G.R … Continue reading “FOR AND AGAINST”
For and against were conducted to the students of final year “A” sec on the date 27.1.18 .The topic was “IS THERE A NECESSARY IN CHANGE OF THE INDIAN LAW” which was headed by Ms. Madhu Ashwini.
The best speakers and the winners are:
1st prize – Shankara Bhashiyam.O
2nd prize- Karthick Reddy .G.R
3rd prize-Aishwarya.T.M