Department of Computer Science Organized Guest Lecture On Career Guidence

The Department of Computer Science Organized Guest Lecture On Career Guidence  By: GIRISH BABU A  (Alumni Student) On: 1st September 2017 Topic: Carrer Guidence  Total No of Students Attended: 80 Total No of Faculties Attended: 05 Objectives:  To source and provide up-to-date information about occupations, fields of work, postgraduate courses and research opportunities, organisations and … Continue reading “Department of Computer Science Organized Guest Lecture On Career Guidence”

The Department of Computer Science Organized Guest Lecture On Career Guidence 

By: GIRISH BABU A  (Alumni Student)

On: 1st September 2017

Topic: Carrer Guidence 

Total No of Students Attended: 80

Total No of Faculties Attended: 05


  • To source and provide up-to-date information about occupations, fields of work, postgraduate courses and research opportunities, organisations and their vacation work and post-graduation vacancies.
  • To help students and graduates understand and develop the necessary skills to equip them for whatever career path they choose.
  • To provide opportunities for students and graduates to understand their competencies, aspirations and options through a variety of means, including personal discussion with professional advisers.
  • To promote the exchange of ideas between members of the University and representatives of other organisations on matters affecting the employment of graduate members of the University, and to provide expert advice and information on career issues to organisations outside the University.
  • To collaborate with the University, academic departments, colleges and relevant organisations in activities designed to further the aims of the Service.
  • To provide our services impartially, confidentially, efficiently and free from discrimination, adhering to national codes of good practice and professional standards.
  • To promote the Careers Service to all entitled users, allowing them to make a personal choice on when and how best to engage with the Careers Service.
Alumni Student Girish Babu A
Alumni Student Girish Babu A
Alumni Student Girish Babu A
Alumni Student Girish Babu A
Alumni Student Girish Babu A  Software  Consultant
Alumni Student Girish Babu A Software Consultant


Alumni Student Girish Babu A  Wiht BCA Students
Alumni Student Girish Babu A Wiht BCA Students
Alumni Student Girish Babu A  Wiht BCA Students
Alumni Student Girish Babu A Wiht BCA Students
