The Department of Computer Science Organized Alumni Seminar for BCA Students
on 29th July 2017
Topic: “Career Guidence “
by: Sindhu. B.S
Soft & Web Analyst : Value Point Tech Solution Bangalore.
Software Engineer: Accenture Bangalore.
Total No of Students Attended: 80
Total No of Faculties attended: 05
Objective of the Alumni Seminar
- To develop and strengthen a feeling of fraternity and comradeship among the Alumni of College.
- To foster the spirit of brotherhood and comradeship among the alumni of the University
- To inculcate the values of the Alumni and their responsibility towards the society.
- To act as a channel of communication for information related to the members’ general interest.
- To form a link between its members, fresh graduates and Present students of Jain College and representatives of Industries, Associations etc.
- To co operate with and / or affiliate with other associations engaged in similar work in India or in other countries.
- To organize short duration courses of continuous education in various disciplines for the alumni / present students of the college.
- To organize workshops, seminars, conferences etc. on matters of topical interest.
- To set up and maintain an infra structure for the betterment of the college / its Alumni / its present students / libraries / information / services / placement cells.
- To give currier guidance for the present pursuing students.
- To overcome obstacle while facing the interviews
Swathi K.S Software Eng
Accenture BangaloreSindhu B.S SEO & Web Analyst Value Point Tech Soluation Bangalore. II Year BCA Shalini, Priyanka,Sathya & Pavithra in GD Round II Year BCA Shalini, Priyanka,Sathya & Pavithra in GD Round II Year BCA SathyaShree.P.V in GD Round HOD Addressing Alumni Students With BCA Students