Guest Lecture organised by Indian Red Cross

The Indian Red Cross society organized “GUEST LECTURE ON BLOOD DONATION and FIRST AID DEMONSTRATION“ on 9th Feb 2017 by Dr. J MARIA DOSS M.D, (AM), D.N.M. (Neuro, AM), M.S. (C&P). , M.Phil. (Psy) Spl. In Acupuncture & Advance Clinical Training at China& Psychologist Faculty and the student members of Red Cross Society actively participated and … Continue reading “Guest Lecture organised by Indian Red Cross”

The Indian Red Cross society organized “GUEST LECTURE ON BLOOD DONATION and FIRST AID DEMONSTRATION“ on 9th Feb 2017 by Dr. J MARIA DOSS M.D, (AM), D.N.M. (Neuro, AM), M.S. (C&P). , M.Phil. (Psy) Spl.

In Acupuncture & Advance Clinical Training at China& Psychologist Faculty and the student members of Red Cross Society actively participated and gained knowledge with regard to FIRST AID DEMONSTRATION on Cardiac arrest and Choking. The session on BLOOD DONATION and its importance was informative and interesting.

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