Dept.Of.Computer Science Organized Orientation Programme For Ist Year BCA Students

Dept. Of Computer Science. Organized Orientation Programme First year BCA Students on 13th July 2016 Objectives :  Orientation is the time when we introduce and welcome you to College. This is one of the weeks we look forward to most each year. It’s the time when you will make your first friends at Covenant and … Continue reading “Dept.Of.Computer Science Organized Orientation Programme For Ist Year BCA Students”

Dept. Of Computer Science.


Orientation Programme

First year BCA Students

on 13th July 2016

Objectives :  Orientation is the time when we introduce and welcome you to College. This is one of the weeks we look forward to most each year. It’s the time when you will make your first friends at Covenant and begin to settle into your new home for the next three years.

First, to ease personal, social, and emotional transition and adjustment to Covenant.

  • Providing information and resources that will allow students to make informed and appropriate academic plans and healthy social choices;
  • Creating a welcoming environment that builds a sense of community among the incoming class and connects them to faculty, staff and other students;
  • Providing a framework for three years of success through the communication of expectations, norms and standards.
    Orientation Programme
    Orientation Programme


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